Format: individual without the assistance of a third party or AI
Estimated Time to Complete: 90 min
Read the complete assignment before you start.
Understanding the potential transfer time of data from a storage device is critical to building systems. After all, one must know how long it takes to bring virtual memory pages into memory, how long a file might take to read, or how long data takes to be transferred to a storage device.
Completing this assignment, will allow you to
Prior to working on this assignment, review these lessons and refer to them during the assignment:
Read through all of the questions first and then work through them in any sequence.
A disk rotates at 7200 RPM and can transfer 200MB/s of data from its outer track. What is the maximum number of bytes of data that a single outer track can hold? Show your calculations, state any assumptions, and show your work so we can see how you derived your answer.
Given an average seek time of 5ms, a rotational speed of 10,000 RPM, and a transfer rate of 150 MB/s, how long does a 65536-byte random read request take, in milliseconds, on average? What if average seek time is 12ms and rotational speed is 5400 RPM? Show your calculations, state any assumptions, and show your work so we can see how you derived your answer.
If a system has an estimated mean time between failures of 1,250,000 hours, what is its expected annual reliability expressed as a probability?
A power control system is required to have an availability of at least 99.999% in accordance with regulations. The systems development team has conducted empirical testing and derived an mean time to restore of 1.25 hours and an mean time between failure of 3.1667 years. Will the system meet the expected availability?
Submit a single PDF containing your name, term, course, instructor’s name, and all of your answer in a readable and professional form. You maths can either be embedded images or (ideally) LaTeX expression. We recommend that you use markdown with embedded LaTeX.
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