
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • write simple ‘bash’ scripts
  • add variables and functions
  • process command line arguments
  • return values from shell scripts
  • handle errors in shell scripts


A shell is a command-line interface (CLI) or text-based user interface in an operating system that allows users to interact with the computer system by entering commands. It serves as a bridge between the user and the underlying operating system, enabling users to perform various tasks, such as running programs, managing files, and configuring system settings, by typing text-based commands.

Key characteristics of a shell include:

  1. Command Interpretation: The shell interprets the commands entered by the user and translates them into instructions that the operating system can understand and execute.

  2. Scripting: Shells are scripting languages, meaning users can write scripts (sequences of commands) to automate tasks or create custom programs. These scripts are often referred to as shell scripts.

  3. Access to System Utilities: Shells provide access to a wide range of system utilities and programs, allowing users to perform tasks like file management, process control, and system configuration.

  4. Customization: Users can customize their shell environment by setting environment variables, defining aliases, and configuring various aspects of the shell’s behavior, such as the prompt and command history.

  5. Interactive Use: Shells are designed for both interactive use (where users enter commands one at a time) and batch processing (where commands are executed from a script file).

Common shells in Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux, include Bash (Bourne Again Shell), Zsh (Z Shell), Fish (Friendly Interactive Shell), Dash, and others. Each shell has its own features and capabilities, making it suitable for different use cases and user preferences.

Shells are a fundamental component of the Unix and Linux operating systems and play a crucial role in providing users with direct control over the system’s functionality through the command line. They are especially popular among system administrators, developers, and power users for their efficiency and flexibility.

This tutorial focused on how to write “programs” called shell scripts for the ‘bash’ shell that is common on Linux.

Common Shells for Linux

Linux offers a variety of shell options, each with its own features and capabilities. Here are some of the most common shells used on Linux:

  1. Bash (Bourne Again Shell): Bash is the default shell for most Linux distributions. It’s known for its scripting capabilities, job control, and interactive features. Bash is the most widely used shell on Linux and is highly compatible with POSIX standards.

  2. Zsh (Z Shell): Zsh is an interactive shell with many advanced features, including excellent tab completion, customizable prompts, and support for plugins. It is known for its user-friendly interface and extensibility. Zsh is often chosen by power users and developers. This shell is also available on MacOS.

  3. Fish (Friendly Interactive Shell): Fish is designed to be user-friendly and user-focused. It offers features like syntax highlighting, auto-suggestions, and a consistent, intuitive syntax. Fish is especially popular among beginners and those who prefer a more approachable shell.

  4. Dash: Dash is a lightweight and minimalistic shell that is often used in scripts and as the default /bin/sh on some Linux distributions. It’s known for its speed and is a compliant POSIX shell.

  5. Ksh (Korn Shell): The Korn Shell is an older shell that predates Bash. It offers powerful scripting capabilities and interactive features. There are two main versions: Ksh88 and Ksh93.

  6. Csh (C Shell): The C Shell is another older shell with a syntax resembling the C programming language. It’s less common on modern Linux systems but may still be used in some environments.

  7. Tcsh (TENEX C Shell): Tcsh is an enhanced version of Csh, adding features like command-line history and command-line editing. It is designed for interactive use and script execution.

  8. Ash (Almquist Shell): Ash is a minimalistic shell that is often used in embedded systems due to its small footprint. It’s a compliant POSIX shell and is known for its efficiency.

  9. Mksh (MirBSD Korn Shell): Mksh is a successor to the original Korn Shell (Ksh88). It aims to provide a lightweight, fast, and POSIX-compliant shell.

  10. Elvish: Elvish is a relatively new and innovative shell that focuses on being expressive and extensible. It has a unique scripting language and emphasizes interactive features.

The choice of shell depends on individual preferences, specific use cases, and the requirements of the task at hand. Bash remains the most commonly used shell on Linux systems, and it’s a safe choice for most users. However, exploring other shells like Zsh or Fish can provide additional features and a more customized shell experience.

Shells for MacOS

MacOS, Apple’s operating system for Mac computers, uses the ‘bash’ shell as the default interactive shell for user accounts. However, it’s important to note that MacOS has been transitioning to ‘zsh’ (Z Shell) as the default interactive shell starting with MacOS Catalina (macOS 10.15), released in 2019.

In MacOS Catalina and later versions, the default user shell is Zsh. This change was made for several reasons, including licensing considerations and the desire to use a more modern and user-friendly shell. Zsh offers improved features for interactive use, better scripting capabilities, and a more extensible and customizable environment.

If you are using a Mac with MacOS Catalina or a later version, your default interactive shell is likely to be Zsh. However, users who upgraded from older macOS versions may still have Bash as their default shell unless they explicitly changed it.

You can check your current default shell by opening a terminal and running the following command:

echo $SHELL

This command will display the path to your default shell. If it points to /bin/zsh, you are using Zsh; if it points to /bin/bash, you are using Bash.

Keep in mind that software configurations and defaults can change with macOS updates, so it’s a good practice to verify your shell if you are unsure, especially if you are working on a macOS version released after my last knowledge update in September 2021.

‘bash’ vs ‘zsh’ Shell Scripts

Shell scripts written for Bash are generally compatible with Zsh, but there are some differences and caveats to be aware of. Bash and Zsh have similar syntax for many common commands and constructs, so simple scripts are often portable between the two shells without modification. However, there are some considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Shebang Line: It’s essential to specify the correct interpreter in the shebang line at the beginning of your script. For a Bash script, use #!/bin/bash, and for a Zsh script, use #!/bin/zsh. This ensures that the script is executed by the intended shell.

  2. Bash-Specific Features: If your script uses Bash-specific features or syntax not present in Zsh, it may not work as expected in Zsh. Bash has some advanced scripting capabilities that are not part of the POSIX standard, and Zsh may not support them.

  3. Bash-Only Builtins: Some built-in commands or options in Bash may differ from Zsh. For example, Bash’s echo command has options like -e and -n that behave differently or are not available in Zsh. Similarly, declare and typeset may have different behavior in Bash and Zsh.

  4. Global Aliases: Zsh supports global aliases, which can conflict with command names or aliases defined in your script. Be cautious when using common command names as variables in your scripts.

  5. Command Substitution: Bash and Zsh handle command substitution ($(command)) slightly differently. While most simple cases work the same way, complex or nested command substitutions may yield different results.

  6. Prompt Customization: If your script relies on customizing the shell prompt, keep in mind that prompt escape sequences and variables may differ between Bash and Zsh. Adjustments may be necessary if you want to maintain consistent prompt behavior.

  7. Compatibility Mode: Zsh can be run in a Bash-compatible mode using the emulate command. This can help make Zsh behave more like Bash for the duration of a script if needed. For example, you can add emulate -LR bash at the beginning of your Zsh script to enable Bash compatibility.

To ensure maximum compatibility between Bash and Zsh, consider testing your scripts in both environments and addressing any issues that arise. Writing scripts that adhere to POSIX standards and avoiding Bash-specific features can also help ensure portability across different shells, including Bash and Zsh.

‘bash’ vs ‘csh’

Bash (Bourne Again Shell) and Csh (C Shell) are two different Unix shell environments with distinct characteristics and features. Here’s a comparison of the two:

  1. Syntax:
    • Bash: Bash has a more consistent and modern syntax compared to Csh. It is more similar to programming languages like C and supports a wide range of features, making it easier to write complex scripts.
    • Csh: Csh has a syntax that resembles the C programming language, which can be convenient for those familiar with C. However, its syntax can be less intuitive for some tasks.
  2. Scripting Capabilities:
    • Bash: Bash is a more powerful scripting language. It supports a variety of control structures, functions, and advanced programming features, making it suitable for complex scripting tasks.
    • Csh: Csh is primarily designed for interactive use and lacks many of the advanced scripting features found in Bash. Writing complex scripts in Csh can be more challenging.
  3. Interactive Shell:
    • Bash: Bash is commonly used as the default interactive shell on many Unix-based systems. It provides a user-friendly command-line interface with features like history, tab completion, and customizable prompts.
    • Csh: Csh is also used as an interactive shell but may not be as common as Bash. It has its own set of interactive features, but some users find Bash’s interactive capabilities more extensive and user-friendly.
  4. Variables:
    • Bash: Bash uses a simple syntax for variable assignment and expansion. Variables are typically defined using variable_name=value, and their values are accessed using $variable_name.
    • Csh: Csh uses a different syntax for variable assignment (set variable_name=value) and expansion ($variable_name). It also provides additional variable types like arrays.
  5. Job Control:
    • Bash: Bash offers robust job control capabilities, allowing users to manage and manipulate running processes in the background efficiently.
    • Csh: Csh also supports job control but uses slightly different syntax and commands for managing jobs compared to Bash.
  6. Script Portability:
    • Bash: Bash scripts are more portable across Unix-like systems due to its widespread adoption as the default shell on many platforms.
    • Csh: Csh scripts may be less portable because not all Unix systems have Csh as the default shell. Users often need to modify shebang lines (the first line of a script) to specify the correct shell interpreter.
  7. Community and Documentation:
    • Bash: Bash has a larger user base, extensive documentation, and a wealth of online resources and tutorials.
    • Csh: While Csh has been used historically, its user base has declined over the years, and it may be more challenging to find up-to-date resources and support.

In summary, Bash is generally considered more versatile and suitable for both interactive use and scripting, while Csh, with its C-like syntax, may be preferred by those with a background in C programming. Ultimately, the choice between Bash and Csh depends on the specific requirements and familiarity of the user or organization.

First Steps

Writing Your First Script

Open a text editor (e.g., nano, vi, vim, or gedit) and create a new file with a .sh extension, like myscript.sh. Write your Bash script in this file.


echo "Hello, World!"

Running Your Script

Save the script and make it executable (necessary before the script can be executed like a program).

To make your script executable, use the chmod command:

chmod +x myscript.sh

To run the script, use the following command:

bash myscript.sh


Variables in Bash are used to store and manipulate data within your scripts. They allow you to store values, such as numbers, text, or file paths, and use them throughout your script. In Bash, variables have some naming conventions and rules to follow:

  • Variable names are case-sensitive.
  • Variable names can consist of letters, numbers, and underscores.
  • Variable names must start with a letter or an underscore.

Here are some important aspects of working with variables in Bash:

Declaring Variables

You can declare (create) variables in Bash by simply assigning a value to them. There should be no spaces around the equals sign (=), and you should not use a dollar sign ($) when declaring a variable:


In this example, we’ve declared two variables, name and age, and assigned values to them.

Using Variables

To access the value stored in a variable, you need to prepend a dollar sign ($) to the variable name:

echo "My name is $name, and I am $age years old."

This echo command uses the values stored in the name and age variables and outputs them.

Variable Types

In Bash, variables are not explicitly typed. They can hold different types of data, such as strings, numbers, or even arrays. Bash interprets the data type based on the context in which the variable is used. For example, a variable may hold a string at one point and a number at another:


In this example, the value variable initially holds a string and then changes to hold an integer.

Readonly Variables

You can declare a variable as readonly using the readonly keyword or by using the declare command with the -r option. Once a variable is marked as readonly, its value cannot be changed:

readonly my_const="This is a constant value"

Unset Variables

You can remove a variable from the shell’s environment using the unset command. After unsetting a variable, its value is no longer accessible:

unset my_variable

Special Variables

Bash provides several special variables that have predefined meanings or store information about the environment. Some common special variables include:

  • $0: The name of the script or shell.
  • $1, $2, …: Positional parameters (command-line arguments).
  • $$: The process ID of the current script.
  • $?: The exit status of the last command.
  • $#: The number of positional parameters.

Variable Scope

Variables in Bash can have global or local scope:

  • Global Variables: Variables declared in the main body of the script or outside of functions are considered global and can be accessed from anywhere in the script.

  • Local Variables: Variables declared within a function using the local keyword are local to that function and cannot be accessed outside of it. This helps prevent unintended variable name conflicts.

Here’s an example of local and global variables:

global_var="I'm global"

my_function() {
  local local_var="I'm local"
  echo "Inside function: $local_var"

echo "Outside function: $local_var"
echo "Global variable: $global_var"

In this example, local_var is a local variable inside the function, while global_var is a global variable accessible both inside and outside the function.

Variables are fundamental to Bash scripting, allowing you to store and manipulate data, make your scripts dynamic, and perform various tasks efficiently. Understanding how to declare, use, and scope variables is crucial for writing effective Bash scripts.

User Input

User input is an essential aspect of many Bash scripts, as it allows scripts to interact with users, gather information, and make decisions based on that input. In this section, we’ll cover two common methods of obtaining user input: reading user input using the read command and accessing command-line arguments passed to the script.

Reading User Input

The read command in Bash is used to read input from the user interactively. It waits for the user to enter text and then stores that input in a variable. Here’s the basic syntax of the read command:

read variable_name

For example, you can use the read command to prompt the user for their name:

echo "What's your name?"
read user_name
echo "Hello, $user_name!"

In this script, the read command stores the user’s input in the user_name variable, which is then used to personalize the greeting.

Command Line Arguments

Bash scripts can also receive input from command-line arguments. Command-line arguments are values passed to a script when it is executed. They allow users to provide input to the script without needing to interactively enter it each time the script runs.

Command-line arguments are accessed using special variables, such as $1, $2, etc., where $1 represents the first argument, $2 the second, and so on. Here’s an example:

echo "The first argument is: $1"

If you run the script with an argument like this:

./myscript.sh argument1

The script will output:

The first argument is: argument1

You can access multiple command-line arguments by using $2, $3, and so on, for subsequent values.

Combining User Input and Command-Line Arguments

In many scripts, you may want to combine user input and command-line arguments. For example, you could use a command-line argument to specify a file to process and then prompt the user for additional information:

echo "Processing file: $file"

echo "What action do you want to perform on this file?"
read action

echo "Performing '$action' on $file..."

In this script, the first command-line argument is used to specify the file to process, and the user is prompted to choose an action to perform on the file.

Handling Input Validation

When gathering user input, it’s important to perform input validation to ensure that the data provided is of the expected format or within acceptable ranges. You can use conditional statements (such as if statements) to check and validate user input. For example, you can check if the input is a number:

echo "Enter a number:"
read user_input

if [[ "$user_input" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
  echo "You entered a valid number: $user_input"
  echo "Invalid input. Please enter a valid number."

In this example, the script uses a regular expression to validate that the input consists of digits.

In short, user input is a crucial aspect of Bash scripting, enabling interaction with users and the customization of script behavior. You can read user input using the read command and access command-line arguments using special variables. Proper input validation ensures that your scripts handle user input safely and effectively. ## Control Structures

Control structures in Bash allow you to make decisions (conditional statements) and repeat actions (loops) based on specific conditions. They are essential for creating dynamic and responsive scripts. In this section, we’ll cover conditional statements (if-else) and loops (for and while).

Conditional Statements (if-else)

Conditional statements in Bash are used to perform different actions depending on whether a specific condition is true or false. The basic structure of an if-else statement in Bash is as follows:

if [ condition ]; then
  # Code to execute if the condition is true
  # Code to execute if the condition is false

Here are some common examples of if-else statements:

Example 1: Checking if a file exists:

if [ -e file.txt ]; then
  echo "file.txt exists."
  echo "file.txt does not exist."

Example 2: Comparing numbers:


if [ $num1 -lt $num2 ]; then
  echo "$num1 is less than $num2."
  echo "$num1 is greater than or equal to $num2."

Example 3: Checking if a string is empty:

string="Hello, World!"

if [ -z "$string" ]; then
  echo "The string is empty."
  echo "The string is not empty: $string"

Loops (for, while)

Loops allow you to execute a block of code repeatedly. Bash supports both for and while loops.

For Loop: The for loop in Bash is typically used for iterating over a list of items. The basic structure is as follows:

for variable in list; do
  # Code to execute for each item in the list

Here’s an example that iterates over a list of names:

names=("Alice" "Bob" "Charlie")

for name in "${names[@]}"; do
  echo "Hello, $name!"

While Loop: The while loop in Bash is used to execute a block of code as long as a condition is true. The basic structure is as follows:

while [ condition ]; do
  # Code to execute while the condition is true

Here’s an example that counts from 1 to 5 using a while loop:


while [ $count -le 5 ]; do
  echo "Count: $count"

Breaking and Continuing Loops

You can use the break statement to exit a loop prematurely when a certain condition is met. For example, if you want to exit a loop when a specific item is found:

for item in "${items[@]}"; do
  if [ "$item" == "target" ]; then
  # Other loop actions

To skip the current iteration and continue with the next iteration of a loop, you can use the continue statement. For example, to skip even numbers:

for num in {1..10}; do
  if ((num % 2 == 0)); then
  echo "Odd number: $num"

In summary, control structures like conditional statements and loops are crucial for making your Bash scripts more dynamic and responsive to different situations. They allow you to control the flow of your script based on specific conditions and perform repetitive tasks efficiently.


Functions in Bash are reusable blocks of code that allow you to encapsulate logic, improve code organization, and make your scripts more modular. They are similar to functions or subroutines in other programming languages. In Bash, functions can be defined, called, and passed parameters.

Creating Functions

You can define a function in Bash using the function keyword or simply by declaring the function name followed by a pair of parentheses and a set of curly braces {} to enclose the function’s code. Here’s the basic syntax:

function function_name {
  # Function code goes here
# Or, the more common syntax
function_name() {
  # Function code goes here

For example, let’s create a simple function that greets a user:

greet() {
  echo "Hello, $1!"

In the example above, greet is the function name, and it accepts one argument (the user’s name).

Passing Parameters

You can pass parameters to functions in Bash, and these parameters are accessed inside the function using positional parameters, like $1, $2, etc. $1 refers to the first argument passed, $2 to the second, and so on.

Here’s how you call the greet function and pass an argument:

greet "Alice"

Inside the greet function, $1 will hold the value “Alice,” and the function will output “Hello, Alice!”.

Returning Values

Bash functions can return values using the return statement. Unlike some programming languages, Bash functions can only return integers as exit codes, but you can use this to convey success or failure information.

Here’s an example of a function that calculates the sum of two numbers and returns the result as an exit code:

get_sum() {
  local result=$(( $1 + $2 ))  # Local variable to store the result
  return $result

You can call this function and capture the return value like this:

get_sum 5 3
echo "Sum is $sum"

In this example, $? captures the exit code (which is the sum calculated by the function), and the script outputs “Sum is 8.”

Local Variables

It’s a good practice to declare variables as local inside functions to avoid unintended variable scope issues. Variables declared as local are only accessible within the function and do not overwrite global variables with the same name.

Recursive Functions

Bash also supports recursive functions, meaning a function can call itself. This is useful for solving problems that involve recursion, such as factorial calculations or directory traversal.

factorial() {
  if [ $1 -le 1 ]; then
    echo 1
    local sub_result=$(( $1 - 1 ))
    local recursive_result=$(factorial $sub_result)
    echo $(( $1 * $recursive_result ))

This factorial function calculates the factorial of a given number using recursion.

In short, functions in Bash allow you to encapsulate code, pass parameters, and return values, making your scripts more modular and maintainable. They are a fundamental tool for writing efficient and organized Bash scripts.

File Operations

File operations are an integral part of many Bash scripts. Bash provides various commands and techniques for reading from and writing to files, managing file attributes, and performing file-related tasks. In this section, we’ll cover reading from files and writing to files, which are two common file operations.

Reading from Files

Bash allows you to read the contents of files using commands like cat, head, tail, and while loops with input redirection. Here are a few examples:

Using cat:

cat file.txt  # Displays the entire content of the file on the terminal

Using head:

head -n 5 file.txt  # Displays the first 5 lines of the file

Using a while loop with input redirection:

while IFS= read -r line; do
  echo "Line: $line"
done < file.txt

In this while loop example, each line from file.txt is read and processed within the loop.

Writing to Files

To write data to files, you can use redirection or commands like echo, printf, and cat. Here are some examples:

Using echo:

echo "Hello, World!" > output.txt  # Writes "Hello, World!" to output.txt (overwriting any existing content)

Using printf:

printf "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3" > output.txt  # Writes multiple lines to output.txt

Appending to a File (with >>):

echo "This will be appended." >> output.txt  # Appends text to the end of output.txt

Using cat with a Here Document:

cat <<EOF > output.txt
Line 1
Line 2

In this example, a here document is used to write multiple lines to output.txt.

File Permissions and Ownership

Bash provides commands like chmod, chown, and chgrp for changing file permissions, ownership, and group. For example:

Changing File Permissions:

chmod +x script.sh  # Adds execute permission to script.sh
chmod 644 file.txt  # Sets read-write permissions for the owner and read-only permissions for others

Changing File Ownership and Group:

chown user:group file.txt  # Changes the owner and group of file.txt

Checking File Existence

You can use conditional statements to check if a file exists before performing operations on it. For example:

if [ -e file.txt ]; then
  echo "file.txt exists."
  echo "file.txt does not exist."

In this script, the -e flag checks for the existence of file.txt.

File Backups and Renaming

To create backups of files or rename them, you can use commands like cp (copy), mv (move/rename), and rm (remove). For example:

Creating a Backup:

cp file.txt file.txt.bak  # Creates a backup of file.txt as file.txt.bak

Renaming a File:

mv oldname.txt newname.txt  # Renames oldname.txt to newname.txt

Deleting Files:

rm unwanted.txt  # Deletes the unwanted.txt file

Working with Directories

Bash provides commands for creating, listing, and manipulating directories, including mkdir, rmdir, and cd.

Creating a Directory:

mkdir my_directory  # Creates a directory named my_directory

Removing a Directory:

rmdir empty_directory  # Removes an empty directory named empty_directory

Changing the Current Directory:

cd /path/to/directory  # Changes the current directory to /path/to/directory

In summary, file operations are fundamental in Bash scripting, allowing you to read from, write to, manage, and manipulate files and directories. Understanding these operations is crucial for creating scripts that interact with and manipulate file system data effectively.

Error Handling

Error handling is a critical aspect of Bash scripting, allowing you to anticipate and gracefully handle unexpected situations, errors, and failures that may occur during script execution. Effective error handling can improve the reliability and robustness of your scripts. In this section, we’ll explore techniques for handling errors in Bash scripts.

Checking Command Exit Status

In Bash, every command executed returns an exit status code. By convention, an exit status code of 0 indicates success, while non-zero values indicate errors or failures. You can access the exit status of the most recently executed command using the special variable $?.

Here’s an example of how to check the exit status and perform error handling:

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Error: The command failed."
  exit 1  # Exit the script with a non-zero status code to indicate an error

In this script, we run some_command, check its exit status, and display an error message if it’s non-zero. We also exit the script with an error status code (1) to indicate that an error occurred.

Conditional Statements for Error Handling

Conditional statements, such as if-else, can be used to perform error handling based on specific conditions or the success/failure of a command. For example:

if ! some_command; then
  echo "Error: The command failed."
  exit 1

In this script, the ! operator negates the exit status of some_command, so the error message is displayed and the script exits if the command fails.

Redirecting Standard Error (stderr)

By default, error messages generated by commands are sent to the standard error stream (stderr), which is different from the standard output (stdout). You can redirect stderr to a file or use it in your script for error handling.

# Redirect stderr to a file
some_command 2> error.log

# Use stderr in error handling
if ! some_command 2> /dev/null; then
  echo "Error: The command failed."
  exit 1

In the first example, stderr is redirected to the error.log file. In the second example, stderr is redirected to /dev/null to discard error messages, and error handling is based on the exit status.

Trap Command

The trap command allows you to set up signal handlers to respond to specific signals or events. It can be used for cleaning up resources, logging errors, or performing custom actions when errors occur.


# Define a function to handle errors
handle_error() {
  echo "An error occurred in the script."
  # Additional error handling or cleanup code here
  exit 1

# Set up a trap to call the error handling function on any error (SIGERR)
trap 'handle_error' ERR

# Simulate an error

In this script, the trap command is used to call the handle_error function when an error (indicated by the ERR signal) occurs. This allows you to centralize error handling and take specific actions in response to errors.

Logging Errors

Logging errors to a file or system log can be valuable for debugging and monitoring. You can use the logger command or redirect error messages to a log file as needed.


# Log errors to a file

some_command 2>> "$error_log"  # Append stderr to the error log
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  logger -s "Error: The command failed."
  exit 1

In this script, stderr is appended to the error_log file, and error messages are also sent to the system log using the logger command.

Effective error handling in Bash scripts involves anticipating potential issues, checking exit statuses, using conditional statements, redirecting stderr, and employing error handling functions. Well-designed error handling can make your scripts more robust and reliable, especially in production environments.

Useful Tips

  • Commenting Your Code: Use # to add comments for better code understanding.
  • Debugging: Use set -x for debugging mode.
  • Running Commands: Use backticks or $() to run commands within your script.
  • String Manipulation: Bash provides various string manipulation options like substring, length, and more.


This tutorial provides a beginner-friendly introduction to Bash shell scripting, a powerful tool for automating tasks and performing system operations on Unix-based systems. It covers essential topics and concepts, making it an ideal starting point for those new to Bash scripting.

The tutorial begins by explaining the basics of Bash and how to write, run, and make Bash scripts executable. It then delves into variables, including how to declare and use them in your scripts. User input is covered, showing how to read user input and access command-line arguments.

Control structures, such as conditional statements (if-else) and loops (for and while), are explained in detail. Functions are introduced, along with how to create them, pass parameters, and return values. File operations, including reading from and writing to files, are also covered.

Error handling and exit codes are discussed, allowing you to handle errors gracefully in your scripts. Useful tips, including commenting your code, debugging techniques, running external commands, and string manipulation, are provided to enhance your scripting skills.




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