Overview  ·  Objectives  ·  Estimated Time: 9.0 hrs
Introduces the key features, key concepts, and responsibilities of a database management system and its context in an organizational information infrastructure.
  • define a database and a database management system
  • list limitations of file-based repository structures
  • understand where database are often used
  • cite popular database management systems
  • distinguish between different database architectures and types
  • sketch the architecture of client/server and n-tier databases
  • list the phases of database design and implementation

1.1 • [45 min] READ: The Need for Databases   ⏎
Provides an overview of databases and explains why database management systems (DBMS) are an essential part of every modern organization. Lists the key responsibilities of a DBMS. Explains benefits and challenges of modern relational and non- relational databases as well as common roles and architectures.


Overview  ·  Objectives  ·  Estimated Time: 7.0 hrs
Introduces the R programming language.
  • write programs in R
  • manage projects in R Studio (posit)
  • process data, dataframes, and files

2.1 • [60] FOLLOW: Beginning R   ⏎
Introduces some basic concept of R, including statements, data frames, vectors, variables, and reading from a CSV file.

2.2 • [45] FOLLOW: Working with R Projects   ⏎
Explains the benefits of working with R Projects. Sows how to create a new R Project in R Studio.

2.3 • [45] FOLLOW: R Scripts and Programs   ⏎
Shows how to create R scripts and execute them from the command line as stand-alone programs.

2.4 • [60] FOLLOW: Quick Guide to R For Programmers   ⏎
A quick guide for programmers transitioning to R from C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, and other high-level languages. Explains key control structures and programming paradigms for R.

2.5 • [20] FOLLOW: Console Output in R   ⏎
Illustrates different functions in R for performing console output, including print(), cat(), printf(), springf(), and message(). Provides use cases for each and when to best use them.

2.6 • [60] FOLLOW: Writing Functions in R   ⏎
Explains the concept of functions and their implementation in R. Demonstrates some of the unique mechanisms for writing and calling functions in R.

2.7 • [90 min] DO: Getting to Know R   ⏎
A first assignment in R for those who already know how to program.

Level: beginner


Overview  ·  Objectives  ·  Estimated Time: 7.0 hrs
Explains the use of the file system as a hierachical data repository.
  • understand files and the file system
  • use R to access and manage files and folders
  • build file-based data repositories

3.1 • [45] FOLLOW: Navigating the File System in R   ⏎
This lesson explains how to navigate the file system from R.

3.2 • [45] FOLLOW: Basics of Text & String Processing in R   ⏎
Explains string and text processing in R, including regular expressions.

3.3 • [6 hrs] DO: Build Hierarchical Document Database   ⏎
Most operating systems use a hierarchical file system for storing documents, images, media, programs, and any other type of data in files. The file system can act as a database and is often used to store large file objects, often in conjunction with a database (such as a relational database). In this assignment, you will experiment with navigating the file system in R and implement a simple query structure for a hierarchical document object data store.

Level: intermediate