
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • define the concept of a user story
  • write a user story following a prescribed format
  • decompose epics and organize user stories into themes
  • know when to use and when not to use user stories


User stories are short and intentionally simple descriptions of a feature or affordance needed by a user or consumer of a system. Users are described through roles and are analyzed through personas to differentiate between the different needs of users of the same class. Personas and user stories get at the needs of different types of users in a simple way.

User stories have been primarily used in the context of agile projects, but they represent a more general technique. User stories help elicit, understand, and prioritize stakeholder requirements.

Stories and personas provide analysts and interaction designers with an important and useful tool to obtain and describe requirements from users. They work particularly well for interactive systems.

The Business Analysis Body of Knowledge defines a user story as follows:

“User Stories are a brief description of functionality that users need from a solution to meet a business objective. A user story is a textual description of things that the solution needs to allow users to do. User stories are typically a sentence or two that describes who uses the story, the goal they are trying to accomplish, and any additional information that may be critical to understanding the scope of the story.”

Story Writing Formats

User stories are often expressed in one of these simple formats:

  1. As a [user role], I want to [some goal], so that [purpose].
  2. In order to [benefit] as a [role], I want [some goal].
  3. As [who, when, where], I [what] because [why].

Note that user stories are not sufficient for requirements documentation. They provide brief descriptions that must be further analyzed (and documented if not used in an agile method).

Using the format originally suggested by Mike Cohn, here are two examples of user stories for an online recruiting site:

  1. As a job seeker, I want to search for a new position, so that I can advance in my career.
  2. As a recruiter, I want to post an open position, so that I can find qualified applicants.

Here’s an alternative using one of the other formats:

  1. In order to increase my salary and advance my career as a currently employed job seeker, I want to browse open positions that fit my talents and qualifications.

Components of a User Story

A user story is built around three main elements:

  1. Actor/Role/Persona: Stakeholder who benefits from the user story
  2. Description: A high-level narrative of what functionality the user story includes following a template format
  3. Benefit: The business value the story delivers to the stakeholder

A user story should also define Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria so that it can be tested.

Stating Purpose and Business Value

The “so that” clause allows an analyst to get to the “root” of the need and to assure that there’s a valid business need for the requirement. A user story must provide business value to be valid.

In some situations, this may be extended by generating multiple “so that” clauses:

“As a recruiter, I want to post an open position, so that I can find qualified applicants so that I can earn a commission and vso that** I can become part of the ‘10% club’.”

This “root cause” analysis is similar to the “5-Why” technique and can lead to alternate and perhaps more appropriate solutions.

The user story format can be extended to include a “risk” clause that specifies what would happen if the story were not implemented:

“As a recruiter, I want to post an open position, so that I can find qualified applicants. If I don’t, then I won’t earn a commission and the position will remain unfilled or filled with an unqualified applicant.”

Minimum Viable Solution

User stories are purposely written at a high-level in order not to prescribe a solution.

For example, the story

“As a job seeker, I want to search for a new position, so that I can advance in my career.”

could be implemented in numerous ways:

  1. Simple keyword search and filtering
  2. Display of a list of position without any filter
  3. Filtering based on skill matches
  4. Sorting results by relevancy or other criteria

Specify what the minimum viable solution is and then implement that solution first before “gold plating.”

Acceptance Criteria

User stories are not complete without specifying acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria specify the “boundary” of the story and when work can be considered complete.

For example, the acceptance criteria for the previous story could be:

  1. Job seeker can fill in job search fields
  2. Submission is not possible without specifying all mandatory fields
  3. A list of matching jobs is displayed with a link to job details
  4. Job seeker can find out how to apply for a job

Benefits and Challenges

Benefits Challenges
Instills customer ownership Not detailed enough when regulatory restrictions require detailed documentation
Useful or iterative and incremental delivery of solutions May not align with waterfall methods that are documentation centric
May eliminate the need for more detailed requirements specifications in agile environments where stakeholders and delivery teams are co-located Does not document non-functional requirements well and therefore require additional techniques to be used in conjunction with user stories
Clearly defines the value that a features provides Story format may not include enough detail for teams that are distributed
Prioritize with story points for time-boxed iterations

User stories present the needs of a user in a narrative format. They are particularly useful for:

  • business intelligence reporting
  • user interface and interaction design
  • application feature elicitation

Eliciting User Stories

Elicit user stories collaboratively with stakeholders. Start by brainstorming user roles, then personas, and eventually identify user stories. Don’t worry about epics or themes initially; focus on getting what users need.

Write stories on cards; better yet: let the stakeholders themselves write the stories on card to instill a sense of ownership.

Conduct user story writing workshops that are 2-4 hours in length.

Tracking User Stories

Agile teams often track user stories on index cards pinned to a wall so that they can be moved around easily to different piles and processed using pull methods such as Kanban:

  • Backlog (not yet done pile)
  • Sprint (in progress pile)
  • Done (done pile)

Additional piles can be created as needed. For example, during a spring a team may have piles for design, analysis, coding, testing. Individual developers may have their own piles. The piles of frequently managed using a Kanban board.

There are many software tools for tracking user stories which is particularly useful for distributed teams. Two such vendors are Rally Software and VersionOne.

User stories should encourage discussion rather than a focus on large, up-front requirements specifications.

User Stories versus Use Cases

User stories are not the same as use cases, but both serve a similar purpose: understand what the user needs.

User Story Use Case
Simple statement of user need and purpose for need More complete definition of user need and how system is expected to behave
Elaborated through conversation on agile projects Elaborated through step-by-step narrative scenarios
Defines acceptance criteria and scenarios Defines pre and post conditions

Both are augmented with models to specify expected behavior, but the models may not be formal work products or deliverables in an agile environment.


Some user stories might be larger or describe a more complex user need. Such stories are called epics. The general rule is that a story should be implementable in a single iteration timebox. An epic is decomposed into smaller stories. Epics are not sized. Epics fall into one of two categories:

  • Compound story
  • Complex story

Epics are eventually decomposed (broken down) into smaller stories, often using CRUD boundaries:

  • Create
  • Read
  • Update
  • Delete

Epics can also be broken down by operational boundaries or data boundaries. Bill Wake suggests to “slice the cake” when confronted with large stories that can be implemented incrementally. For example, consider the story

“As a job seeker, I want to apply for a position.”

This story can be split into two increments:

  1. “As a job seeker, I want to apply for a position by only submitting basic information.”
  2. “As a job seeker, I want to apply for a position by including an updated resume and references.”

However, while this might sound useful, it is important to only apply this technique when faced with stories that are too large, do not fit into a single iteration, or represent individually deployable functionality. Stories should represent single interactive transactions that have a short duration and can be completed in a single session.

For example,

“As a recruiter, I want to manage job posting”

is not something a user would complete in a single interactive session. This might be better broken up into these smaller stories:

  1. “As a recruiter, I want to post a new position”
  2. “As a recruiter, I want to extend a position that is due to expire”
  3. “As a recruiter, I want to modify the requirements for a job position”

In some cases, a story might need to implemented differently depending on the data being processed or rules applied. For instance,

“As a job seeker, I want to search jobs by applying filters”

could be decomposed into:

  1. “As a job seeker, I want to search jobs by salary range”
  2. “As a job seeker, I want to search jobs by geographic area”
  3. “As a job seeker, I want to search jobs by skill set match”

Often a story might implement an entire business process that takes substantial time to complete and might involve multiple users. To decompose such an epic, model the business process, and then implement each step in the process as a separate story. The decomposed stories will form a theme.


Themes are collections of similar stories that form some kind of a group.

Best Practices: INVEST

Analysts often use the INVEST model from Extreme Programming to help write stories:

  • Independent of all other stories to the maximum extent possible. Naturally, stories have some technical or functional dependencies, but non-valued dependencies should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Negotiable and not part of a contract or specification. Developers and stakeholders should be free to negotiate and adjust the implementation of a user story based on changes in need, technical constraints, or time limitations. If a story is too detailed, alternative implementations may not be doable.
  • Valuable for some user or persona. A story should be a single, deployable, functional feature that provides business value to a user.
  • Estimable (at least approximately) using story points. If a story cannot be estimated reasonably well, then it is likely an epic and should be decomposed.
  • Small enough to fit into a single timebox. A short story is less complex and by completing it in a single iteration, productivity is often higher and solutions are incrementally deliverable.
  • Testable to assure completion according to acceptance criteria.


The lecture below by Dr. Schedlbauer summarizes user stories.

Slide Deck: S-90-301 User Stories


User stories are negotiable descriptions of features desired by a user representing business value to them. Large stories – epics – are decomposed into smaller stories to simplify estimation and implementation. Good stories should follow the INVEST model.

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