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All materials are provided CC BY 4 with attribution and for non-commercial use. Some materials linked to within lessons may be subject to copyright restrictions.

1 • Programming

  r primer programming 1.100 ┆ Fundamentals of Programming: An Introduction Using R
Introduces foudations of programming using R as the programming language, although concepts can be applied to any programming language. Focuses on procedural programming but does allude to other styles of programming.
#r #primer #programming
Time: 120 · Level: beginner
  demeter oop programming 1.868 ┆ The Law of Demeter
Introduces the Law of Demeter.
#demeter #oop #programming
Time: 30 · Level: advanced
  make makefile C C++ Unix programming 1.901 ┆ The 'make' Utility and Writing Makefiles
Introduces makefiles and their use in building programs, primarily for C and C++.
#make #makefile #C #C++ #Unix #programming
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  regular expression regex grep 1.955 ┆ Regular Expressions
Introduces regular expressions.
#regular expression #regex #grep
Time: 60 · Level: beginner

3 • Machine Learning

  machine learning data mining pipeline crisp-dm 3.101 ┆ Overview of the Machine Learning Pipeline
Explains the key concepts behind machine learning and the phases of the machine learning pipeline from data acqusition to model development, model evaluation, and eventual deployment.
#machine learning #data mining #pipeline #crisp-dm
Time: 10 · Level: beginner
  machine learning statistics no-free lunch optimization ml 3.106 ┆ No Free Lunch Theorem: No Universal Machine Learning Algorithm
Explains the _No Free Lunch Theorem_ in machine learning that asserts that no algorithm is universally better than others across all possible problems, meaning performance depends on the specific task at hand. It highlights the importance of selecting algorithms based on the problem's characteristics, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
#machine learning #statistics #no-free lunch #optimization #ml
Time: 20 · Level: beginner
  regression statistics 3.201 ┆ Effects of Multicollinearity in Regression
Explains the effects of correlation between features and unequal variance across a feature space.
#regression #statistics
Time: 10 · Level: beginner
  missing data machine learning data cleaning imputation feature engineering outliers 3.202 ┆ Overview of Feature Engineering
Provides an overview of the methods and purpose of feature engineering required to shape data for the training of machine learning models.
#missing data #machine learning #data cleaning #imputation #feature engineering #outliers
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  outliers z-score 3.203 ┆ Detecting and Managing Outliers
Explains common strategies for detecting outliers in vectors of numeric values.
#outliers #z-score
Time: 15 · Level: beginner
  missing data machine learning data cleaning imputation 3.204 ┆ Managing Missing Values in Data
Explains how to deal with missing values. Demonstrates the use of imputation strategies.
#missing data #machine learning #data cleaning #imputation
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  regression statistics 3.206 ┆ Normalizing Numeric Features for Machine Learning Algorithms
Explains how to normalize continuous numeric features for distance-based machine learning algorithms such as kNN, k-means, and SVM. Demonstrates the use of min-max and z-score normalization and explains mean-normalization and unit vector normalization.
#regression #statistics
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  categorical features feature engineering one-hot frequency 3.207 ┆ Encoding Categorical Features
Explains the various encoding schemes for categorical variables, including one-hot, frequency, and weight of evidence.
#categorical features #feature engineering #one-hot #frequency
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  distance euclidean manhattan minkowski 3.208 ┆ Distance Measures
Explains how distance is measured in an n-dimensional space.
#distance #euclidean #manhattan #minkowski
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  knn precision recall specificity F1-Score F1 classification accuracy 3.212 ┆ Evaluating Classification Models
Explains common evaluation metrics for classification models, incuding accuracy, precision, recall, sensitivity, F1 Score, among others. Shows how to calculate these metrics and how to interpret the results.
#knn #precision #recall #specificity #F1-Score #F1 #classification #accuracy
Time: 40 · Level: beginner
  class imbalance smote oversampling 3.224 ┆ Managing Class Imbalance
Explains common methods for reducing class imbalance.
#class imbalance #smote #oversampling
Time: 60 · Level: intermediate
  R statistics time series forecasting MAD MSE functions 3.303 ┆ Basic Time Series Forecasting
Introduces time-series forecasting using weighted moving averages, linear regression, and exponential smoothing. Shows how to build a forecasting model, tune models, evaluate the model, construct ensembles, provide forecast intervals, account for trend and seasonality.
#R #statistics #time series #forecasting #MAD #MSE #functions
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  knn machine learning classification regression 3.410 ┆ kNN for Classification and Regression
Explains the kNN (k Nearest Neighbor) machine learning algorithm for predicting a categorical target variable (classification) and a continuous numeric target variables (regression).
#knn #machine learning #classification #regression
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  knn machine learning classification 3.411 ┆ Simple Implementation of kNN in R
Presents a simple implementation of kNN for classification and another implementation for regression, both in R.
#knn #machine learning #classification
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  naive bayes bayes machine learning classification spam detection 3.420 ┆ The Naive Bayes Classifier Algorithm for Binary Classification
Explains the Naive Bayes Classifier supervised machine learning algorithm for predicting a binary categorical target variable (classification). Demonstrates the algorithms use through implementations from various packages including e1071 and klaR. Shows how to bin numeric features into categorical features.
#naive bayes #bayes #machine learning #classification #spam detection
Time: 90 · Level: beginner
  naive bayes bayes machine learning classification spam detection 3.435 ┆ Decision Trees: A Worked Example in R
Worked example for predicting credit default using the C5.0 decision tree algorithm in R.
#naive bayes #bayes #machine learning #classification #spam detection
Time: 90 · Level: beginner
  regression ols machine learning 3.441 ┆ Ordinary Least Squares Regression
Introduces linear regression and statistical learners. Shows how to build and evaluate a regression model.
#regression #ols #machine learning
Time: 10 · Level: beginner
  regression ols machine learning 3.442 ┆ Ridge and Lasso Regression
Introduces linear regression and statistical learners. Shows how to build and evaluate a regression model.
#regression #ols #machine learning
Time: 10 · Level: beginner
  evaluation machine learning regression 3.503 ┆ Evaluating Regression Models
Presents a simple implementation of kNN for classification and another implementation for regression, both in R.
#evaluation #machine learning #regression
Time: 10 · Level: beginner
  evaluation machine learning regression 3.971 ┆ Synthetic Data Engineering
Presents a worked example of engineering a synthetic data set useful for regression, data analytics, association rules, and data mining. Contains configurable parameters.
#evaluation #machine learning #regression
Time: 10 · Level: beginner
  machine learning synthetic data data engineering 3.981 ┆ Synthetic Engineering of a Dataset on Restaurant Visits
Presents a worked example of engineering a synthetic data set of restaurant visits, servers, consumption, and customers. Appropriate for regression, data analytics, and data mining. Contains configurable parameters.
#machine learning #synthetic data #data engineering
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  machine learning synthetic data data engineering 3.982 ┆ Synthetic Engineering of a Forex Trades
Presents a worked example of engineering a synthetic data set of foreign currency exchanges in multiple portfolios.
#machine learning #synthetic data #data engineering
Time: 60 · Level: beginner

5 • Data Mining

  crisp-dm machine learning data mining analytics process 5.104 ┆ CRISP-DM Process for Data Analytics and Data Mining
Explains the CRISP-DM framework for data analytics and data mining project. Differentiate between the different phases in the CRISP-DM framework.
#crisp-dm #machine learning #data mining #analytics #process
Time: 15 · Level: beginner

6 • R

  r r script r notebook markdown literate programming 6.099 ┆ The 'R' Ecosystem: A Quick Primer
Explains the 'R' Universe, the language, history, and tools. Shows how to create R scripts and execute them from the command line as stand-alone programs and contrasts them with R Notebook and the knitting process to produce documents. Provides a short introduction to common IDEs for R.
#r #r script #r notebook #markdown #literate programming
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r primer 6.100 ┆ Beginning R
Introduces some basic concept of R, including statements, data frames, vectors, variables, and reading from a CSV file.
#r #primer
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  r primer 6.101 ┆ First Steps in R
Introduces the key programming mechanisms of R. Shows how to work with control structures, variables, functions, and packages. Loads data from CSV files into data frames. Connects to SQL databases.
#r #primer
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r primer vectors data frames 6.103 ┆ Working with Vectors and Data Frames in R
Demonstrates how to create, access, and manipulate numeric, character (text), and logical data in vectors and data frames.
#r #primer #vectors #data frames
Time: 75 · Level: beginner
  r primer loops 6.104 ┆ Quick Guide to R For Programmers
A quick guide for programmers transitioning to R from C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, and other high-level languages. Explains key control structures and programming paradigms for R.
#r #primer #loops
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  r primer vectors data frames 6.105 ┆ Factors: Categorical Variables in R
Demonstrates how to define and use factor variables which are used to implement categorical (enumerated) variables.
#r #primer #vectors #data frames
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r csv tsv files excel data frames 6.106 ┆ Import Data into R from CSV, TSV, and Excel Files
Demonstrates how to load data from CSV, TSV, Excel, and other text files into data frames for processing. Explains how to save large R objects in binary RData files.
#r #csv #tsv #files #excel #data frames
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r dplyr filtering summarizing selecting 6.107 ┆ Data Manipulation with dplyr
Demonstrates the use of the dplyr package of the Tidyverse for data manipulation, summarization, and filtering.
#r #dplyr #filtering #summarizing #selecting
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r primer loops iteration apply 6.108 ┆ Loops and Iteration in R
Shows how to perform iteration over vectors and lists using loops in R. Contrats loops with vector operations. Provides time comparisons.
#r #primer #loops #iteration #apply
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r r script 6.109 ┆ R Scripts and Programs
Shows how to create R scripts and execute them from the command line as stand-alone programs.
#r #r script
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r random numbers 6.111 ┆ Generating Random Numbers in R
Introduces random number generators as computer algorithms. Shows how to generate random numbers for simulation, statistics, and synthetic data generation in R. Demonstrates random number functions in R.
#r #random numbers
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  r r studio primer 6.112 ┆ Basics of Text & String Processing in R
Explains string and text processing in R, including regular expressions.
#r #r studio #primer
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r date time lubridate timestamps 6.113 ┆ Working with Date and Time Values in R
Explains date and time value and the various R objects for storing them such, including Date. Introduces the lubridate package.
#r #date #time #lubridate #timestamps
Time: 90 · Level: beginner
  r xml xpath primer 6.114 ┆ Primer on Parsing XML with R
A primer on loading XML documents into R and processing the elements.
#r #xml #xpath #primer
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r primer loops 6.121 ┆ Writing Functions in R
Explains the concept of functions and their implementation in R. Demonstrates some of the unique mechanisms for writing and calling functions in R.
#r #primer #loops
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  r primer objects lists reference class class oop 6.122 ┆ Reference Classes, Objects, and Methods in R
This lessons explores object-based programming in R and demonstrates how to define classes using the Reference Class System, one of three object-oriented class systems available in R.
#r #primer #objects #lists #reference class #class #oop
Time: 45 · Level: intermediate
  r xml objects externalization 6.123 ┆ Externalizing R Objects to XML
This lessons explains how objects built using the reference class system can be stored persistently in XML. Shows how objects are instantiated from XML and externalized to XML for persistence.
#r #xml #objects #externalization
Time: 45 · Level: intermediate
  r objects serialization reference class 6.124 ┆ Serializing R Reference Class Objects to CSV
This lessons demonstrates through many examples how to serialize reference class objects to CSV and how such objects can be reconstructed from CSV files. Explains the need for container classes and the common methods of adding, removing, finding, and counting objects in containers.
#r #objects #serialization #reference class
Time: 60 · Level: intermediate
  R debugging runtime time Sys.time tictoc rbenchmark 6.134 ┆ Measure Run-Time Performance of R Code
Demonstrates how to measure the execution time of R code for profiling, debugging, and performance improvemenet.
#R #debugging #runtime #time #Sys.time #tictoc #rbenchmark
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  R debugging runtime time Sys.time tictoc rbenchmark 6.135 ┆ Improving Run-Time Performance of R Code
Lists several ways to improve and optimize the run-time performance of R code. Demonstrates strategies through examples.
#R #debugging #runtime #time #Sys.time #tictoc #rbenchmark
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r xpath xml 6.182 ┆ Generate Synthetic Pharma Sales Data for CSV and XML in R
Shows how to generate synthetic data for CSV and XML with an example that generates pharma sales data.
#r #xpath #xml
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  r xpath xml 6.183 ┆ Extract and Transform PubMed XML Data using XSLT
Shows how to extract a subset of the data in the PubMed data set into a new XML with a different structure using XSLT.
#r #xpath #xml
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  r console message sprintf print paste cat 6.190 ┆ Console Output in R
Illustrates different functions in R for performing console output, including print(), cat(), printf(), springf(), and message(). Provides use cases for each and when to best use them.
#r #console #message #sprintf #print #paste #cat
Time: 20 · Level: beginner
  r debugging 6.191 ┆ Debugging R Code
Debugging is an important element of software development and debugging methods and tools are integral to programming. This lesson demonstrates how to find the source of errors in R code.
#r #debugging
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r pipes tidyverse magrittr 6.192 ┆ Using Git with R Studio for Version Control
Demonstrates how to install, configure, and use Git and GitHub within R Studio for version control and team projects.
#r #pipes # tidyverse #magrittr
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r testthat unit testing testing 6.194 ┆ Automated Unit and Integrity Testing in R
Demonstrates how to build simple unit tests in R using the 'testthat' package. Explains common unit and system testing principles. Shows how to test database code.
#r #testthat #unit testing #testing
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r debugging r script programming 6.195 ┆ Using the Debugger in R Studio
This lesson provides an introduction to the debugger in R Studio and how to use it to find logic errors in R programs.
#r #debugging #r script #programming
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r r studio primer 6.202 ┆ Working with R Projects
Explains the benefits of working with R Projects. Sows how to create a new R Project in R Studio.
#r #r studio #primer
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r r studio r markdown literate programming 6.204 ┆ Literate Programming with R Notebooks
Explains the benefits of working with R Notebooks and how to leverage code chunks and follow the principles of Literate Programming.
#r #r studio #r markdown #literate programming
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r markdown literate programming 6.206 ┆ Programming Style Guide for R
Provides style recommendations for R programming.
#r #markdown #literate programming
Time: 20 · Level: beginner
  r markdown literate programming 6.208 ┆ Writing Documents with Markdown
Explains markdown and how to use R Studio and R Notebooks to write dynamic documents with embedded code.
#r #markdown #literate programming
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  r SQL sqldf database sqlite 6.300 ┆ SQLite with R: A Primer
Demonstrates how to create a simple SQLite (or any other relational) database from R using {sql} code chunks and function calls. Most of the concepts apply to all relational databases, including MySQL
#r #SQL #sqldf #database #sqlite
Time: 20 · Level: beginner
  r SQL sqldf database sqlite 6.301 ┆ Working with Databases in R
Demonstrates how to connect to databases in R using SQLite as an example. Shows how to connect, create tables, execute SQL queries, modify the data, and enquire about the structure of the database. Explains R code vs {sql} chunks and the benefits of literate programming. Shows how to summarize data in data frames using SQL via sqldf.
#r #SQL #sqldf #database #sqlite
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  R SQL sqldf database sqlite dbWriteTable 6.302 ┆ Bulk Load Data from CSV into Database in R
Explains how to load data from a CSV into a relational database of multiple tables and map primary key to foreign key references.
#R #SQL #sqldf #database #sqlite #dbWriteTable
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r xpath xml 6.303 ┆ Data Retrieval from XML via XPath in R
Explains how to retrieve data from an XML document or repository using XPath expressions.
#r #xpath #xml
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r MySQL db4free AWS AWS RDS aiven freemysqlhosting 6.304 ┆ Configure and Connect to Cloud MySQL from R
Demonstrates how to create a cloud MySQL instance on, AWS RDS,, and and then connect to each database from R.
#r #MySQL #db4free #AWS #AWS RDS #aiven #freemysqlhosting
Time: 25 · Level: beginner
  r xpath xml 6.305 ┆ Process XML DOM via XPath and Node Traversal
Explains how to retrieve data from an XML into a data frame using a combination of node traversal and XPath expressions.
#r #xpath #xml
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r dates sql sqlite lubridate 6.306 ┆ Dates in R and SQLite
Reading dates from raw data and using them in R and saving them or loading them from SQLite can be challenging. This tutorial explains how to work with dates in R, SQL, and SQLite.
#r #dates #sql #sqlite #lubridate
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  r xpath xml 6.310 ┆ XML Transformation via XSLT in R
Explains how to transform structured information objects contained in an XML document to another text representation, such as XML, HTML, CSV, JSON, or SQL. Demonstrates how to use the XSLT transformer in R.
#r #xpath #xml
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r xml xmlToDataFrame dataframe 6.323 ┆ Load Simple XML into Dataframe in R using xmlToDataFrame()
Explains how to load a simple XML file into a dataframe.
#r #xml #xmlToDataFrame #dataframe
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r xpath xml dom 6.324 ┆ Traverse and Parse XML DOM in R
Explains how to traverse an XML Document Object Model (DOM) using a combination of XPath and node access.
#r #xpath #xml #dom
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r xpath xml dom parsing sqlite sql 6.328 ┆ Parsing an XML Document and Saving to SQLite Database in R
This example shows how to load and parse an XML document into an internal relational model of data frames. It traverses the DOM tree node-by-node and then save the data into data frames. The data frames are eventually written to a new database. The example uses only Base R and does not use tidyverse which has additional support for managing relational structures.
#r #xpath #xml #dom #parsing #sqlite #sql
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r SQL sqldf database sqlite 6.330 ┆ Querying Data Frames in R with sqldf
Similar to other languages, R allows data in data frames (from CSV, XML, or other sources) to be treated as if they were tables in a relational database and query the data frames using SQL. Demonstrates how to find data in data frames, combine data from multiple data frames, and aggregate data in data frames using SQL through the sqldf package.
#r #SQL #sqldf #database #sqlite
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r pipes tidyverse magrittr 6.343 ┆ Using Pipes to Manipulate Tabular Data
Pipes and the magrittr package are powerful tools for aggregrating, clearning, filtering, and processing tabular data and provide an alternative to tidyverse and sqldf.
#r #pipes # tidyverse #magrittr
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r hashmaps env 6.355 ┆ Speeding up Lookup with Hash Maps in R
Hash maps (hash tables) are an important data structure for storing key/value pairs and being able to retrieve them based on a key in constant time regardless of the number of key/value pairs. This lesson shows how to use hash maps in R.
#r #hashmaps #env
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  r files folders 6.402 ┆ Navigating the File System in R
This lesson explains how to navigate the file system from R.
#r #files #folders
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r scatter plot bubble chart plotly 6.724 ┆ Basic Exploratory Data Visualization in R
Shows how to create scatter plots, bar charts, histograms and line graphs in R to visualize relationships. Presents methods for exploratory data visualization
#r #scatter plot #bubble chart #plotly
Time: 45 · Level: beginner

7 • Python

  Python SQL sqldf database sqlite 7.300 ┆ SQLite with Python: A Primer
Demonstrates how to create a simple SQLite (or any other relational) database from Python using {sql} code chunks and function calls. Most of the concepts apply to all relational databases, including MySQL.
#Python #SQL #sqldf #database #sqlite
Time: 30 · Level: beginner

8 • C

  c gcc 8.100 ┆ Introduction to C Programming
Introduces basic structure of a C program. Shows how to compile, link, and run a C program using gcc and online using
#c #gcc
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  C pointers malloc calloc 8.110 ┆ Pointers and Dynamic Memory in C
This lesson explains the concept of pointers and references to memory in C. It shows how to dynamically allocate memory and to use pointers for passing arguments by reference.
#C #pointers #malloc #calloc
Time: 90 · Level: intermediate
  C stack heap local global scope memory 8.118 ┆ Memory Management in C
This lesson explains how scope and memory management work in C.
#C #stack #heap #local #global #scope #memory
Time: 30 · Level: intermediate
  C signals SIGINT 8.142 ┆ Handling Signals in C
This lesson demonstrates how to handle signals in C and how to add custom behavior to common signals, such as SIGINT.
#C #signals #SIGINT
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  C file system inode fopen fread ioctlr directory file unix 8.301 ┆ The UNIX File System and its Manipulation in C
This lesson provides an introduction to the Unix File System and how to access and manipulate files and directories plus associated file information in C.
#C #file system #inode #fopen #fread #ioctlr #directory #file #unix
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  C fork getpid pipes 8.902 ┆ Multi-Processing and Inter-Process Communication in C
This lesson shows how to create processes from processes in C and Unix and how to communicate among the process hierarchy. Shows how to use fork(), pipes, shared memory, and other process management and communication techniques.
#C #fork #getpid #pipes
Time: 90 · Level: intermediate
  critical region threading C C++ synchronization posix thread mutex 8.904 ┆ Creating Multi-Threaded C Programs
This lesson demonstrates how to start multiple threads in C using POSIX threads.
#critical region #threading #C #C++ #synchronization #posix #thread #mutex
Time: 45 · Level: beginner

9 • Java

  Java JDE development 9.100 ┆ Installing Java
Demonstrates how to install the Java Development Kit and common tools for writing Java code on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
#Java #JDE #development
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  Java synchronization multi-threading race conditions 9.501 ┆ Multi-Threading and Thread Synchronization in Java
Exlplains how multi-threading is supported by Java and how threads are commonly synchronized to avoid race conditions.
#Java #synchronization #multi-threading #race conditions
Time: 60 · Level: intermediate
  Java SQL sqlite JDBC 9.602 ┆ Working with Databases in Java
Demonstrates how to connect to databases in Java using SQLite as an example. Shows how to connect, create tables, execute SQL queries, modify the data, and enquire about the structure of the database.
#Java #SQL #sqlite #JDBC
Time: 20 · Level: beginner

10 • JavaScript

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11 • C++

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14 • HTML and CSS

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16 • PHP

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17 • Bootstrap

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18 • Swift

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24 • Algorithms

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25 • Theory of Computation

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30 • Visual Modeling

  LucidChart UML ERD Visual Modeling 30.131 ┆ Visual Modeling with LucidChart
An introduction to diagramming with LucidChart.
#LucidChart #UML #ERD #Visual Modeling
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  LucidChart UML ERD Visual Modeling Reverse Engineering 30.140 ┆ Reverse Engineering Visual Models from Relational Databases
Reverse engineering ERD and UML models from a relational database.
#LucidChart #UML #ERD #Visual Modeling #Reverse Engineering
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  LucidChart UML ERD Visual Modeling Reverse Engineering 30.150 ┆ Introduction to UML
This lesson provides an overview of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and its various diagrams and uses.
#LucidChart #UML #ERD #Visual Modeling #Reverse Engineering
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  UML ERD Visual Modeling Ontology 30.152 ┆ Domain Modeling with UML Class Diagrams
This lesson explains how to use UML Class Diagrams for expressing domain ontologies at the conceptual level using UML Class Diagrams. Explains the symbols and modeling elements of UML Class Diagrams.
#UML #ERD #Visual Modeling #Ontology
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  UML Multiplicity Class Diagram 30.153 ┆ Specifying and Interpreting Multiplicity in UML
This lesson explains what multiplicity constraints mean in UML and how to properly defines and interpret them using classes as sets of objects.
#UML #Multiplicity #Class Diagram
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  UML generalization association aggregation 30.155 ┆ Relationship Types in UML Class Diagrams
This lesson explains the difference between association, generalization, aggregation, and composition in UML Class Diagrams. It presents a set of common relationship patterns and provides many examples.
#UML #generalization #association #aggregation
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  UML Class Diagram Visual Modeling Ontology 30.160 ┆ Workshop: UML Class Diagram Representation
This lesson is a guided workshop that provides worked examples of conceptual models expressed in UML Class Diagrams.
#UML #Class Diagram #Visual Modeling #Ontology
Time: 45 · Level: beginner

41 • Business Analysis

  sabotage productivity 41.112 ┆ Effective Corporate Sabotage: How Organizations Unwittingly follow the CIA Guide to Field Sabotage
This lesson shows how many organizations and project teams (unwittingly) implements the CIA practices on disrupting an occupier. The lesson looks at the 1944 field manual for saboteurs and explains how many organizations follow many of them fully and many partially -- and thus disrupt the productivity in their own organizations.
#sabotage #productivity
Time: 60 · Level: beginner

42 • Process Modeling

  process modeling process visualization flowcharts lucidchart 42.112 ┆ Visualizing Process Flows with Flowcharts
Introduces flowcharts as a means for visualizing business and system processes. Presents a modernized symbols set for flowcharts. Shows how to use tools, including LucidChart.
#process modeling #process visualization #flowcharts #lucidchart
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  infosci process analytics time studies flowcharts work sampling 42.201 ┆ Analyzing Process Execution Time
This lesson explains how to calculate process flow or execution time using time studies.
#infosci #process analytics #time studies #flowcharts #work sampling
Time: 45 · Level: intermediate
  delphi estimation 42.203 ┆ Group Estimation with the Delphi Method
This lesson explains how to provide estimates using the Delphi Method. Shows both single-band and wide-band Delphi.
#delphi #estimation
Time: 90 · Level: beginner
  infosci little law 42.205 ┆ Little's Law for Process Time Analysis
This lesson introduces Little's Law.
#infosci #little law
Time: 90 · Level: beginner
  infosci rpa process modeling process automation 42.310 ┆ Overview of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
This lesson provides an overview of robotic process automation (RPA).
#infosci #rpa #process modeling #process automation
Time: 45 · Level: beginner

50 • Information Science

  infosci 50.101 ┆ Information Science as a Discipline
This lesson investigates information science as a discipline separate from library science, computer science, data science, and information systems. It looks at its history and its current place in the computing field and provides a working definition of information science as well as its main frameworks.
Time: 90 · Level: beginner
  infosci 50.102 ┆ The SECI Model
This lesson introduces the SECI Model for knowledge transfer and creation within organizations.
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  infosci information 50.105 ┆ A Framework of Information
This lesson introduces a framework for information sciencse and a taxonomy for information, data, and knowledge.
#infosci #information
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  infosci information 50.107 ┆ Information Ethics and Privacy
This lesson considers ethical implications of the use of information and the rights of privacy of individual information.
#infosci #information
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  infosci 50.110 ┆ Information Discovery
Any information science project starts with discovering the key information objects and structures of a domain. This lesson introduces key information discovery methods and techniques. It also addresses the issue of bias during information discovery.
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  infosci ontology terms facts termsets concept maps 50.203 ┆ Ontology Design & Knowledge Representation
Information objects are business domain objects shared by users and managed by systems. They represents concepts described by terms drawn from a set of words in a natural language. As internally stored application and repository objects, information objects are hugely important in the operation and design of an information system. An ontology is a description of all the objects and their relationships, properties, constraints, user actions, and tasks involving information objects. This lesson shows how to identify, define, and describe an information object ontology.
#infosci #ontology #terms #facts #termsets #concept maps
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  infosci ontology structured narrative constraints 50.204 ┆ Ontology Description with Structured Narratives
Explains how Structured English can be used to describe terms, facts, constraints, and rules for an ontology in narrative form.
#infosci #ontology #structured narrative #constraints
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  semantic web XML 50.242 ┆ Introduction to the Semantic Web
Introduces the semantic web.
#semantic web #XML
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  card sorting information architecture findability tagging use cases affinity grouping shared information spaces 50.252 ┆ Information Architecture
Information objects can also be unstructured. The storage, dissemination, and management requires careful thought. This lesson introduces key concepts in information architecture design for shared information spaces with a focus on navigation and findability.
#card sorting #information architecture #findability #tagging #use cases #affinity grouping #shared information spaces
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  concept mapping mind maps information architecture 50.255 ┆ Concept Mapping
Introduces concepts maps as a means to organize an information architecture, information objects, and object relationships in an informal manner.
#concept mapping #mind maps #information architecture
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  linguistics sapir-whorf mind 50.271 ┆ Linguistic Relativity and the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Linguistic relativity, also known as the weak version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, posits that the structure of a language influences the way its speakers perceive and think about the world. While not determining thought entirely, natural and programming languages play a role in shaping the cognitive processes of programmers and information scientists.
#linguistics #sapir-whorf #mind
Time: 30 · Level: advanced
  digital assets management knowledge repositories 50.301 ┆ Digital Asset Management
Introduces key concepts and issues in managing digital assets and digital information objects.
#digital assets #management #knowledge #repositories
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  digital assets management governance knowledge repositories 50.305 ┆ Information Management & Governance
Explains key concepts and issues in information management and governance. Introduces approaches to establishing the value of information.
#digital assets #management #governance #knowledge #repositories
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  decision tree probability perfect information decision making utility rational 50.601 ┆ Decision Analysis with Decision Trees
Introduces key concepts in rational decision analysis and suggesting a rational course of action based on optimizing a cost function such as time, money, or utility. Demonstrates the use of decision trees, expected value, event probability, and the calculation of the value of perfect information.
#decision tree #probability #perfect information #decision making #utility #rational
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  bayes statistics probability 50.622 ┆ Bayesian Inference and Probability of Causes
Introduces Bayes' Theorem and Bayesian Inference to determine the probability of causes of observed events.
#bayes #statistics #probability
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  sqlite relational database database R SQL tabular sqldf excel 50.951 ┆ Tabular Structures, Relational Models, and SQL
Structured information objects are often organized in tabular for such as data frames, tables, or worksheets. This lesson explains how SQL is used to retrieve information from tabular structures and how to work with tabular information structures contained in SQLite, R, Excel, among others.
#sqlite #relational database #database #R #SQL #tabular #sqldf #excel
Time: 90 · Level: beginner

52 • Information Management

  information information management governance value 52.102 ┆ Principles of Information Management and Governance
Introduces key principles and concepts in information management and governance. Shows how information is used in organizations. Presents the lifecycle of information objects. Explains how a value can be established for information.
#information #information management #governance #value
Time: 45 · Level: beginner

54 • Information Visualization

  visualization explanatory 54.103 ┆ Principles of Explanatory Information Visualization
This lesson addresses the key concepts in explanatory information visualization. It shows how to construct useful visualizations that communicate insight and allow for decision making. The lesson explains how to properly use color, pre-attentive attributes, and whitespace.
#visualization #explanatory
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  visualization explanatory 54.202 ┆ Building Visualizations with ggplot2 in R
This lesson shows how to build data-driven and dynamic visualizations using ggplot2.
#visualization #explanatory
Time: 45 · Level: beginner

55 • Data Analytics

  data analytics data big data crisp-dm six Vs 55.102 ┆ The Tao of Data
Exposes common lessons in data analytics.
#data analytics #data #big data #crisp-dm #six Vs
Time: 90 · Level: beginner
  statistics correlation 55.151 ┆ Basics Descriptive Statistical Analysis
Provides an overview of common statistical analysis, including correlations, distributions, and tests for normality.
#statistics #correlation
Time: 60 · Level: beginner

56 • Excel

  excel google sheet spreadsheet tabular data tables charts 56.800 ┆ Primer on Excel and Google Sheet
Spreadsheets are a common tabular exchange format for structured information objects. This lesson provides a primer on using Microsoft Excel and Google Sheet to manipulate information objects represented in tabular spreadsheets.
#excel #google sheet #spreadsheet #tabular data #tables #charts
Time: 120 min · Level: beginner

58 • Data Science

  data science ethics privacy 58.181 ┆ Ethical Considerations in Data Science
This lesson considers ethical implications when constructing predictive models and performing data mining.
#data science #ethics #privacy
Time: 30 · Level: beginner

60 • Database Design

  database DBMS information systems 60.100 ┆ The Need for Databases
Provides an overview of databases and explains why database management systems (DBMS) are an essential part of every modern organization. Lists the key responsibilities of a DBMS. Explains benefits and challenges of modern relational and non- relational databases as well as common roles and architectures.
#database #DBMS #information systems
Time: 45 min · Level: beginner
  sqlite relational database database R SQL tabular sqldf excel 60.101 ┆ Tabular Structures, Relational Data, and SQL
Structured information objects are often organized in tabular for such as data frames, tables, or worksheets. This lesson explains how SQL is used to retrieve information from tabular structures and how to work with tabular information structures contained in SQLite, R, Excel, among others.
#sqlite #relational database #database #R #SQL #tabular #sqldf #excel
Time: 90 · Level: beginner
  database ERD crows foot IE relational UML conceptual DB Design 60.103 ┆ Database Design Workflow
Explains the database design process from conceptual to logical to physical modeling. Shows the use of visual models including UML and ERD. Shows two different forms of ERD: Chen and Crow's Foot.
#database #ERD #crows foot #IE #relational #UML #conceptual #DB Design
Time: 60 min · Level: beginner
  database ERD crows foot IE relational UML 60.108 ┆ Logical Relational Modeling Data with E-R Diagrams
This lesson explains logical data modeling as an important step after conceptual modeling. Introduces the entity-relationship diagram (ERD) and the IE/Crow's Foot notation. Provide examples of the mapping process of a conceptual to a logical model suitable for implementation in a relational database.
#database #ERD #crows foot #IE #relational #UML
Time: 60 min · Level: beginner
  database ERD crows foot IE 60.109 ┆ Data Modeling Demonstration with ERD
Worked example of the process of constructing an ERD (Crow's Foot/IE Notation) based on given requirements.
#database #ERD #crows foot #IE
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  database database design schema relational 60.110 ┆ The Relational Model and Relational Schema Design
This lesson introduces the relational model and the design and structure of relational schemas for relational database implementations.
#database #database design #schema #relational
Time: 40 · Level: beginner
  database normal forms 1NF 2NF 3NF BCNF normalization functional dependencies 60.111 ┆ Normal Forms and Normalization
This lesson introduces the common normal forms for the design of relational schemas for use in transactional systems (rather than analytical databases).
#database #normal forms #1NF #2NF #3NF #BCNF #normalization #functional dependencies
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  relational schema pattern 60.112 ┆ Patterns for Mapping Conceptual Models to Relational Schemas
This lesson introduces a set of patterns for mapping conceptual models to logical models and to relational schemas.
#relational #schema #pattern
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  database 60.115 ┆ Lookup Tables
This lesson introduces the concept of lookup tables which are commonly used in databases and repositories to simplify association of information and to implement categorical values.
Time: 20 · Level: beginner
  database 60.231 ┆ Enforcing Referential Integrity Constraints
This lesson provides patterns and strategies for enforcing referential integrity and multiplicity constraints in a database, using SQLite as an example.
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  database SQL relational algebra predicate calculus 60.502 ┆ Relational Algebra
This lesson introduces relational algebra and its declarative operators.
#database #SQL #relational algebra #predicate calculus
Time: 45 min · Level: intermediate
  database relational calculus tuple relational calculus first order logic 60.505 ┆ Tuple Relational Calculus
This lesson introduces tuple relational calculus as a way to express relational queries in an abstract manner.
#database #relational calculus #tuple relational calculus #first order logic
Time: 60 min · Level: beginner
  database index b-tree performance 60.551 ┆ Query Planning and Processing in Relational Databases
This lesson shows how relational database engines process queries and how query plans are used to efficiently execute SQL queries.
#database #index #b-tree #performance
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  database index b-tree performance 60.601 ┆ Indexing
This lesson introduces different indexing methods and how they are used to improve database read performance.
#database #index #b-tree #performance
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  database index sqlite performance 60.611 ┆ Essential Guide to Indexing in SQLite
This lesson shows how to create and manage indexes in the SQLite relational database to improve data retrieval, speed up sorting, and enforce uniqueness constraints more efficiently. Presents results of experiments with indexing to demonstrate their use and effectiveness.
#database #index #sqlite #performance
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  database transactions ACID 60.701 ┆ Transaction Processing in Relational Databases
This lesson explains how relational databases manage transactions and database integrity during multi-user access. Explains the ACID properties
#database #transactions #ACID
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  database recovery failure dbms 60.703 ┆ Failure Recovery in Database Management Systems
Introduces the role of the recovery manager in modern database management system. Shows common approaches to recovery from failure and restoration of the database to service. Explains common failure modes and techniques to address them.
#database #recovery #failure #dbms
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  database concurrency 60.706 ┆ Concurrency Control in Relational Databases
This lesson explains how relational databases manage concurrency.
#database #concurrency
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  database sharding partitioning distributed databases 60.732 ┆ Partitioning and Sharding in Relational Databases
This lesson explains how performance of databases, particularly relational databases, can be improved through data partitioning and data sharding.
#database #sharding #partitioning #distributed databases
Time: 30 · Level: intermediate
  database concurrency 60.751 ┆ Database System Architectures and Implementation
This lesson explains different approaches to database implementation architectures.
#database #concurrency
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  database concurrency 60.801 ┆ Key Concepts of Data Warehousing and OLAP
This lesson explains key concepts of data warehousing and the role of data warehouses in enterprise analytics. It contrasts databases, data warehouses, data marts, and data lakes. Identify key mechanisms of data analytics and data mining.
#database #concurrency
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  database fact tables olap analytics kimball inmon 60.802 ┆ Supporting Analytics with Fact Tables and Dimensional Modeling
This lesson explains how fact tables and star schema designs can support analytical queries in relational databases. Such tables, while they violate normal forms, can be instrumental in making data analytics efficient and fast. It explains the Kimball approach to dimensional modeling for analytics.
#database #fact tables #olap #analytics #kimball #inmon
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  database security privacy 60.911 ┆ Database Security Considerations
This lesson explains common security issues in database management.
#database #security #privacy
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  SQL security injection ethics vulnerability attack vector 60.913 ┆ Database Security: SQL Injection Attacks
This lesson explains how SQL injection attacks work and how to avoid this common security attack vector.
#SQL #security #injection #ethics #vulnerability #attack vector
Time: 45 · Level: beginner

62 • Data Quality

no lessons found

70 • SQL

  sql SELECT AS LIMIT ORDER BY DISTINCT 70.102 ┆ Data Retrieval with SQL SELECT
Explains how to retrieve data using the SQL SELECT statement. Covers selection, aggregation, aliasing, limits, ordering, distinct rows, built-in functions, and literals. Provides explanation of order of execution.
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  sql SELECT AS LIMIT ORDER BY DISTINCT 70.104 ┆ Grouping Data with GROUP BY
Explains how to group data using GROUP BY in SQL
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  sql SELECT CTE WITH PARTITION BY GROUP BY NTILE 70.107 ┆ Advanced SQL: Subqueries, Paritions, and Common Table Expressions
Explains how to define complex queries in SQL using subqueries, as well as Common Table Expressions (CTE) using WITH, and how to apply window functions to data partitions using PARTITIOn BY. Illustrates the difference between GROUP BY and PARTITION BY.
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  sql SELECT AS LIMIT ORDER BY DISTINCT 70.108 ┆ Query and Schema Abstraction with Views
Explains how to define virtual tables using views.
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  sql joins group by 70.109 ┆ Practice Queries for SQL I
Uses examples to explain the basic query structure of SQL and the most common types of queries. Demonstrates selection from a single table, aliases, filtering with WHERE, inner joins, grouping with GROUP BY, and aggregation.
#sql #joins #group by
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  sql joins group by 70.110 ┆ Practice Queries for SQL II
More examples to explain the basic query structure of SQL and the most common types of queries. Demonstrates selection from a single table, aliases, filtering with WHERE, inner joins, grouping with GROUP BY, and aggregation.
#sql #joins #group by
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  sql joins inner outer natural 70.112 ┆ Retrieving Data from Multiple Tables Using Various Joins
Explains inner, outer, natural, and anti joins in SQL.
#sql #joins #inner #outer #natural
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  sql cte rcte joins 70.114 ┆ Simplifying Queries with Common Table Expressions (CTE)
Explains how Common Table Expressions (CTE) and Recursive Common Table Expressions (RCTE) can be used to simplify SQL queries and make complex queries more reasable.
#sql #cte #rcte #joins
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  sql SELECT AS LIMIT ORDER BY DISTINCT 70.119 ┆ Style Recommendations for SQL
Describes common style guidelines for SQL.
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  MySQL cursors SQL 70.605 ┆ Efficient Data Retrieval with Cursors
This lesson explains how to leverage cursors for efficient retrieval of large result sets. Uses programming examples in MySQL.
#MySQL #cursors #SQL
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  sqlite relational database database R Java 70.801 ┆ The SQLite Database
This lesson introduces the SQLite relational database and how to work with the database from the console, an online interface, R, and Java.
#sqlite #relational database #database #R #Java
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  sqlite scripts 70.803 ┆ Interacting with SQLite through Console and Scripts
Explains how to create databases through SQLite SQL scripts. Shows how to install and use management console through termin shell.
#sqlite #scripts
Time: 60 · Level: intermediate
  sqlite create table auto increment 70.806 ┆ Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Tables in SQLite
Explains how to create, alter, and remove tables in SQLite.
#sqlite #create table #auto increment
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  sqlite create table auto increment 70.808 ┆ Integrity Constraints in SQLite
Explains how SQLite enforces foreign key and user defined constraints.
#sqlite #create table #auto increment
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  sqlite create table auto increment 70.809 ┆ Primary Keys with AUTOINCREMENT and ROWID in SQLite
Explains the use and specification of auto incremented primary keys in SQLite.
#sqlite #create table #auto increment
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  sqlite create table auto increment 70.810 ┆ Use SQL to Inspect Database Meta Data
Explains how to query meta data, such as table names, column names, and other information about a database, using standard SQL.
#sqlite #create table #auto increment
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  sqlite transactions acid concurrency 70.821 ┆ Transactions in SQLite
This lesson explains how transactions are specified in SQLite to achieve data integrity under concurrent database access.
#sqlite #transactions #acid #concurrency
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  triggers sqlite business logic 70.901 ┆ Defining Triggers in SQLite
This lesson explains how to define triggers on tables in SQLite. Demonstrates the syntax of the triggers programming language for SQLite. Explains when to use triggers for enforcing business domain constraints and rules.
#triggers #sqlite #business logic
Time: 60 · Level: intermediate
  triggers mysql business logic 70.906 ┆ Defining Triggers in MySQL
This lesson explains how to define triggers on tables in MySQL. Demonstrates the syntax of the triggers programming language for MySQL. Explains when to use triggers for enforcing business domain constraints and rules.
#triggers #mysql #business logic
Time: 60 · Level: intermediate
  mysql R stored procedures client/server database 70.907 ┆ Stored Procedures in MySQL
This lesson explains how to define stored procedures in MySQL and execute them from within a host program. It shows the invocation process using examples from R and Java. Explains the syntax of the stored procedure programming language for MySQL.
#mysql #R #stored procedures #client/server #database
Time: 30 · Level: beginner

72 • NoSQL

  database nosql 72.102 ┆ Common NoSQL Database Paradigms
Introduces seven common database paradigms, including relational and non-relational (NoSQL) database paradigms. Shows how they store data and their relative benefits.
#database #nosql
Time: 30 · Level: beginner
  database nosql wide-column 72.105 ┆ Wide-Column Databases
Introduces the wide-column (or columnar) NoSQL database paradigm. Explain benefits and challenges. Provide common use cases for wide-column databases. Lists and introduces popular wide-column databases.
#database #nosql #wide-column
Time: 30 · Level: beginner

80 • XML

  xml dtd 80.101 ┆ Basics of XML and DTD
This lesson presents an introduction to XML, its common use, structure of an XML document, and the principles of XML construction. Distinguishes between valid and well-formed XML and shows how to use DTD to define the grammar of an XML language.
#xml #dtd
Time: 45 min · Level: beginner
  xml dtd 80.106 ┆ Patterns for Mapping Ontologies to XML
This lesson presents a set of patterns for mapping a conceptual data model expressing a domain ontology to an XML structure.
#xml #dtd
Time: 45 · Level: intermediate
  r xpath xml 80.112 ┆ Primer on XPath Functions
A primer on the most commonly used XPath 2.0 functions.
#r #xpath #xml
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  r xpath xml 80.802 ┆ Extract and Load Large XML to Database
Investigates special performance considerations when extracting relational data from large XML files and loading them into a database.
#r #xpath #xml
Time: 45 · Level: beginner

89 • UX

no lessons found

90 • User Interface Design

  HCI interaction design user stories agile 90.301 ┆ User Stories for Interaction Design
Explains the use of user stories for the elicitation and documentation of requirements for the design of user interactions using design sprints.
#HCI #interaction design #user stories #agile
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  HCI interaction design personas agile 90.304 ┆ Personas for Interaction Design
Explains the use of personas for the elicitation and documentation of requirements for the design of user interactions using design sprints.
#HCI #interaction design #personas #agile
Time: 45 · Level: beginner

91 • HCI

  HCI touch input output display interaction 91.302 ┆ Interaction Devices
Lists input and output devices and their characteristics for the design of computer-human interactions.
#HCI #touch #input #output #display #interaction
Time: 90 · Level: beginner
  journey mapping customer journey ux design 91.405 ┆ Journey Mapping
Provides an overview of journey mapping for designing interactions.
#journey mapping #customer journey #ux #design
Time: 90 · Level: beginner
  prototyping high fidelity ux design 91.410 ┆ Prototyping User Interfaces
Provides an overview of prototyping for user interface design.
#prototyping #high fidelity #ux #design
Time: 30 · Level: beginner

92 • Systems

  google ce linux cloud 92.101 ┆ Configuring a Linux Virtual Machine on Google Compute Engine
This lesson explains how to set up Linux on a Google Cloud Computer Engine virtual machine instance.
#google ce #linux #cloud
Time: 25 · Level: beginner
  unix linux macos bash shell 92.103 ┆ Using the Unix/MacOS Command Line
Introduces basic navigation of the Unix subsystem using the command line shell, which also apply to MacOS Terminal.
#unix #linux #macos #bash #shell
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  database raid storage fault tolerance disks 92.104 ┆ Navigating Windows from Command Line
This lesson explains how to use the Windows command line shell and PowerShell. Introduces writing of batch programs.
#database #raid #storage #fault tolerance #disks
Time: 25 · Level: beginner
  bash shell linux 92.105 ┆ 'bash' Shell Programming
Explains how to write shell scripts for the 'bash' shell on Linux.
#bash #shell #linux
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  unix linux processes fork exec 92.151 ┆ Unix Process Management
This lesson explains how processes are created and managed in Unix and demonstrates how to create new processes in C using system calls, including fork().
#unix #linux #processes #fork #exec
Time: 25 · Level: beginner
  critical region threading C C++ synchronization posix thread mutex 92.302 ┆ Critical Regions in Multi-Threaded C Code
This lesson demonstrates how to control access to critical regions in multi-threaded C code.
#critical region #threading #C #C++ #synchronization #posix #thread #mutex
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  database raid storage fault tolerance disks 92.501 ┆ Overview of Data Storage, Disks, and RAID
This lesson provides an overview of data storage devices and introduces RAID as a means to achieve fault-tolerant storage. Shows the different configurations and levels to achieve fault-tolerant storage for databases and file systems.
#database #raid #storage #fault tolerance #disks
Time: 25 · Level: beginner
  database raid storage fault tolerance disks striping morroring 92.502 ┆ Striping, Mirroring, and RAID
This lesson explains the use of striping and mirroring across arrays of disks to achieve faster read and write speed and to increase fault tolerance. It shows how RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, and RAID10 are configured to increase throughput and fault tolerance.
#database #raid #storage #fault tolerance #disks #striping #morroring
Time: 60 · Level: intermediate
  reliability availability MTBF MTTR 92.505 ┆ Estimating Availability and Reliability of Systems
This lesson introduces statistical techniques for estimating the availability and reliability of systems.
#reliability #availability #MTBF #MTTR
Time: 25 · Level: beginner
  files files systems inodes concurrency unix linux 92.532 ┆ File Systems and their Implementation
This lesson explains the key concepts and mechanisms of file systems of most modern operating systems, including Unix.
#files #files systems #inodes #concurrency #unix #linux
Time: 90 · Level: intermediate
  virtual memory pages systems 92.605 ┆ Virtual Memory & Its Implementation
This lesson explains the concept of virtual memory and its implementation through page-tables in most modern operating systems.
#virtual memory #pages #systems
Time: 60 · Level: intermediate
  virtual memory pages systems r shared memory 92.608 ┆ Prototype Implementation of a Virtual Shared Memory System in R
This lesson presents a prototype of a virtual shared memory implementation.
#virtual memory #pages #systems #r #shared memory
Time: 60 · Level: intermediate
  virtualization virtual machines hypervisor linux 92.701 ┆ Virtualization: How Hypervisors Run Multiple Operating Systems
This lesson provides an introduction to virtualization, focusing on hypervisors that enable multiple operating systems to run on a single computer. Students will learn about classical virtualization, the differences between hosted and bare-metal hypervisors, and the mechanisms used to virtualize the operating system-specific parts of a CPU.
#virtualization #virtual machines #hypervisor #linux
Time: 90 · Level: intermediate
  docker virtualization containers linux 92.708 ┆ Linux Containers and Docker
This lesson provides an introduction to virtualization, focusing on hypervisors that enable multiple operating systems to run on a single computer. Students will learn about classical virtualization, the differences between hosted and bare-metal hypervisors, and the mechanisms used to virtualize the operating system-specific parts of a CPU.
#docker #virtualization #containers #linux
Time: 90 · Level: intermediate

93 • Networks

  tcp tcp/ip sockets networking ipc c 93.202 ┆ Inter-Process Communication with TCP Sockets in C
Explains interprocess communication with TCP sockets in Unix using examples in C. Shows how to create sockets and bind to a socket and establish client/server communication. Provides a complete example with code.
#tcp #tcp/ip #sockets #networking #ipc #c
Time: 60 · Level: intermediate

94 • Cloud Computing

no lessons found

96 • Unix/Linux

no lessons found

100 • Linear Algebra

no lessons found

101 • Discrete Mathematics

  sets union set operations 101.110 ┆ Introduction to the Mathematics of Sets
Introduces the mathematics of sets.
#sets #union #set operations
Time: 90 min · Level: beginner

102 • Statistics

  statistics anova t-test -z-test ancova statistical test 102.202 ┆ Experiment Analysis with Common Statistical Tests
Provides an overview of common statistical tests for experiment evaluation. Discusses t-test, z-test, ANOVA, and ANCOVA with examples in R.
#statistics #anova #t-test #-z-test #ancova #statistical test
Time: 120 · Level: beginner

104 • Probability Theory

  probability joint conditional empirical 104.101 ┆ Key Concepts of Probability
Provides an overview of key concepts of probability, probability distributions, empirical probability, probability of joint events, and conditional probability.
#probability #joint #conditional #empirical
Time: 60 · Level: beginner
  statistics bayes theorem probability 104.151 ┆ Analyzing the Causes of Events: Bayes' Theorem
Introduces Bayes' Theorem to calculate the probability of causes.
#statistics #bayes theorem #probability
Time: 45 · Level: beginner

108 • Empirical Research

no lessons found

200 • Project Management

no lessons found

300 • Software Development

  database raid storage fault tolerance disks 300.602 ┆ Version Control and Collaboration with Git
Introduces the'git' version control system.
#database #raid #storage #fault tolerance #disks
Time: 25 · Level: beginner
  database client/server dashboards stored procedures triggers 300.702 ┆ Database Application Design
Provides an overview of database application design, including client/server architectures, role of stored procedure and triggers, dashboards, dynamic reports, web apps, and mobile apps.
#database #client/server #dashboards #stored procedures #triggers
Time: 30 · Level: beginner

310 • Scrum

no lessons found

312 • Agile

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712 • R Studio/Posit

no lessons found

800 • Artificum

  artificium lesson development markdown 800.103 ┆ Building and Editing Lessons
Demonstrates how to create new lesson in Artificium or edit an existing lesson. Shows how to knit the lesson and deploy it. Explains the structure of a lesson's markup file.
#artificium #lesson development #markdown
Time: 10 · Level: beginner

901 • Learning and Teaching

  online learning best practices 901.102 ┆ Best Practices for Studying and Learning
Presents best practices for learning in online, virtual, remote, onground, and self-paced learning.
#online #learning #best practices
Time: 20 · Level: beginner
  stoicism learning 901.103 ┆ The Stoic Learner
Learning is difficult. This lesson explains what we can learn from stoicism about our approach to learning. Shows habits that transform us into better students and more effective learners.
#stoicism #learning
Time: 20 · Level: beginner
  stoicism learning 901.110 ┆ Cohort vs Self-Paced Learning
Cohort-based courses are not the same as self-paced online courses. This lesson explains the differences between them and the benefits of cohort-based learning.
#stoicism #learning
Time: 20 · Level: beginner

910 • Video Editing

no lessons found

991 • Northeastern (Schedlbauer)

  khoury teams schedlbauer 991.201 ┆ Join a Team on Microsoft Teams
This lesson demonstrates how to join Teams.
#khoury #teams #schedlbauer
Time: 10 · Level: beginner

999 • Khoury Teaching

  khoury canvas teams 999.103 ┆ Commissioning a Course for New Term
This lesson lists the steps generally required to get a Canvas-based course configured and ready for a new term. It assumes that the course exists or that a prior instance is available and that can be copied to the new instance.
#khoury #canvas #teams
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  khoury canvas teams 999.221 ┆ Using PollEverwhere to Increase Student Engagement
This lesson explains how to use PollEverwhere to add interactivity to online courses and increase student engagement during live classes.
#khoury #canvas #teams
Time: 45 · Level: beginner
  teams jamboard annotate pen tablet teaching wacom 999.222 ┆ Interactive Online Teaching with Jamboard and Annotate
This lesson demonstrates the use of Google Jamboard and Annotate using a Pen Tablet fo rteaching interactively online and for recording videos.
#teams #jamboard #annotate #pen tablet #teaching #wacom
Time: 45 · Level: beginner