Search Repository of Learning Assets.

Repository of datasets for use in courses, projects, assignment, labs, lessons, or shorts. Any format, including CSV, TSV, XML, JSON, and SQLite databases.

The datasets are for educational purposes only and the data should not be used for any actual application. Many datasets contain synthetic or modified data values.

Data Sets

By Format


 no tags AmtrakPassengersMonthly T-Competition.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags ApplianceShipments.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags AustralianWines.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags bicup2006.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags BookData (raw).xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags CanadianWorkHours.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags CerealData.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags CerealData.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Concrete_Data.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Correlation IQ vs Rock.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Delphi.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags DepartmentStoreSales.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Forecasting Examples.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags IS2000 Project Management Table Examples.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags IS2000.CerealData - Data Only.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags IS2000.ParetoAnalysis.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags KellyCarSalesData.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags MDP859.CerealData - Data Only.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags MDP859.DelphiData.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags MDP859.SalaryData.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Natural Gas Sales.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Normal Random Numbers.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Pivot Table Exercise Data.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags PowderyMildewEpidemic.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Sample Analyses.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags sbsummar (time series analysis).xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Sept11Travel.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags ShampooSales.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags ShampooSales3Yrs.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags SP500.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Statistics Slide Deck Examples.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Testing Normality.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags ToysRUsRevenues.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags TunnelTraffic.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags WalMartStock.xls
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Workshop Data Set - Solution.xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Workshop Data Set (Grades).xlsx
no description
Source: unknown· Format:


 no tags AmtrakPassengersMonthly.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags AssetQualitybySector.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags auto_mileage.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Auto_mpg.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags bank-term-deposit-marketing-full.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags BikeSharingDaily.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags BirdStrikesData-V2.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags BirdStrikesData-V3.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags BirdStrikesData-V4-SuF24.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags bitcoin_price.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags cpu-data.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags credit.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags DA5030.SpamMsgDataset.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags facebook.tsv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags flights.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags FranchiseSales.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags salaries.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags ShampooSales3Yrs.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags sms_spam.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags snsdata.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags SouvenirSales.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags StudentCanvasLogin.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags surveys.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags transfusion.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags used_car_sales_ebay.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags wisc_bc_data.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags World-Population.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags yellow_tripdata_2020-06 (1).csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags yellow_tripdata_2020-06.csv
no description
Source: unknown· Format:


 no tags AssetDB.db
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags courseDB.db
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags MediaDB.db
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags northwind.db
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags projectdb.sqlitedb
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags sakila.db
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags sandboxDB.db
no description
Source: unknown· Format:


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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Books-v3.xml
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Books-v4.xml
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags Books.xml
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags CustomersAndOrders.xml
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
 no tags frames.xml
no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:

By Name

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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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no description
Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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Source: unknown· Format:
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All datasets are provided CC BY 4 with attribution and for non-commercial use. Some materials linked to within quick may be subject to copyright restrictions.